2010 Year in Review
Now that the New Year is officially under way, I find myself reflecting on the events of the prior year. Print media publications and financial websites are filled with reflections and predictions. As far as the predictions are concerned, if we rely on observations from years past, almost all of them will be wrong or meaningless soon enough. Yet, as far as professional reviews go, Dimensional Fund Advisors has provided us with an outstanding 2010 Economy and Markets Review to help us make sense of the year just ended. It’s the best one I’ve seen out there, and I thought I would share it with you.
Business aside, here are my personal reflections from 2010.
My 7-year-old daughter Gracie and I went on a backpacking trip in the Goat Rocks Wilderness in Washington State. She was great, nearly outperformed her dad — nearly. We covered 22 miles in just two days and hiked up to the Cascade Crest (dividing eastern and western Washington). Though it was a short trip, I cherished the one-on-one time.
My 9-year-old son Joshua continues to charm his teachers. As a special needs kid (Down’s syndrome), he truly is about the most unflappable, happy, and social boy I’ve ever seen. He is crafty, however, and his teachers thankfully know it, and challenge him to do better in many aspects of life.
My eldest daughter Kayla (12), has taken up the trombone. Enough said.
My dear wife Valerie recently turned 50, (don’t tell her I tattled), and was determined to hike Mount Thielsen in Oregon, to top her having conquered Mount St. Helens the year before. She continues to seek out adventures that challenge her. I admire that, and continue to provide her with a challenge of my own now and then.
Overall, 2010 was a great year. I look forward to more memorable experiences in 2011.